Video Transcription
What's wrong?
Nothing, my ride didn't come.
It was supposed to be here an hour ago.
Oh, look at you.
I've got a car.
What's wrong?
Nothing, my ride didn't come.
It was supposed to be here an hour ago.
Oh, look at you.
I've got a car.
i found myself sitting on the side of the road when She drove by slowly, stopped, and backed up.
She asked me if i was okay.
i sobbed.
It has been a long time since Anyone had asked me that!
i told Her no, and She was very sweet. Loving, really. She comforted me, and told me i could come home with Her and stay as long as i wanted.
i bit my lip.
okay, i will confess... Nicky is fucking HOT!
i agreed. i would stay with Her for the night.
During the drive She comforted me. She told me that She had... "other girls."
i felt releived at first, and then as i though about what She said, i became nervous.
She... Nicky. Is hot as hell, but She is a bit creepy.
We arrived at Her home, and She showed me around.
my mouth dropped open. Wow. Her home was a mansion.
On the Jersey shore, it was... stunning!
She told me that i needed to freshen up. i was honestly thrilled! i hadn't taken a bath in days, and the invitation was welcome!
She drew the bath for me, making sure that the temperature was perfect. i blushed.
i felt cared-for.
It has been some time since Someone cared for me and i welcomed the attention.
And then...
She helped me take off my clothes before i got in.
i knew. i KNEW.
This just... wasn't right.
She should not be helping me take off my clothes, and She shouldn't be touching me like this.
i bit my lip.
i hesitated.
i thought about it for a moment, stared into Her grey, smoldering sexy eyes, and knew.
i knew.
i want Nicky to fuck me.
i instinctively knew that She was Domme, that She would take the lead. Nicky will... teach me. Nicky will... train me!
i thought about Her admission... that... She "had other girls"
And somehow.... that didnt bother me.
i was shy, and wet. i was ready to be taken.
And i smiled at Her, as She removed my clothes, i blushed, and whispered.. "Thank You, Auntie Nicky!"
She smiled and whipered... "What a good girl yew are sinny! I enjoy taking l!ttle submissive lesbian cunts like yew. sinny... Do yew want Me to fuck you?"
i looked up into Her smoldering grey eyes, and whispered.
"Please, Auntie Nicky."π
OH Nicky!
i am SO wet.
And Nicky, my fingers smell so.... YUMMI!!!!